Skeet Summer League
July 3 – August 11, 2024
Sign up now at the office
Choose from 2 separate events or shoot both!
Single (6 rounds of 25) or Doubles (3 rounds of 50)
.410, 28 and 20 sub gauges may also be shot.
Entry fee: $10 per event - plus cost of rounds
◄100% of entry fees returned to shooters for Winner/Runner up.
(Scratch and Handicap)
◄Must declare score round before shooting.
◄NSSA rules apply.
◄Doubles round consists of 50 targets. One round of 24 and one round of 26, no option.
◄Singles round consists of 25 targets.
*Winter League Handicap system will be used.
Trap Summer League
July 3 – August 11, 2024
Sign up now at the office
Choose from 3 separate events or shoot all 3!
Singles, Doubles, Handicap
Entry fee: $20 per event with $10 returned for each event and $10 for Lewis Class, plus cost of rounds.
◄100% of entry fees returned to shooters.
◄Events must be shot on at least 2 separate days.
◄Best 4 out of 6 rounds will determine score.
◄Must declare score round before shooting and have a scorer present.